Event content types


The One-Web Event Listing Content Type displays a list of the Event and Event Link content items which are contained in the same section.

The Title and Date of the Events are shown, and the Titles link through to separate pages showing the full Event data or, if an Event Link, linking to the full event data on an external site. Visit the links in the list below to see how the individual Event pages are made up.

One-Web Event Example 1 Thu, Sep 12 2019
3:00 PM
Thu, Sep 12 2019
5:00 PM
One-Web Event Example 2 - Hogmanay Tue, Dec 31 2020
11:00 PM
Wed, Jan 01 2020
2:00 AM
One-Web Event Example 3 - Burns Night Sat, Jan 25 2020
7:00 PM
Sat, Jan 25 2020
11:00 PM
Expiry Dates on Events content

Expiry Dates on Events

Content Expiry Date should normally be set on each Event content item, so that it is removed from the website after the Event has passed. A related News content item (article) could be published instead after an event has passed, reporting on it.

To keep the Events section clear, Event content items labelled as Approved/Expired should be moved to their own Past Events (or Event Archive) subdirectory:

Pending subdirectory for Past Events

As this Past Events section is set to be Pending, it will not Publish to the live site. Expired Events can however still be moved back to the current events section, reactivated and updated later, for example if an event is an annual one.

Setting an Expiry Date on an Event content item:

Content item expiry


Moving an Approved/Expired content item:

Moving an Expired content item.

Location of Event content items content

Location of Event content items

One-Web Event content items are held in the top-level Events section, but generate their own separate pages.

Location of Event content items in section

Events are one of the few circumstances (News and News Listing is another one) where the general rule in T4 that "one section represents one page" does not hold.

One-Web Events are held in the same main Events directory as the One-Web Event Listing, however they do not appear on this listing web page.  Instead, they generate their own dedicated Event pages without needing a containing section.

This makes creation and manipulation of Events easier, as content items rather than whole sections, but means that the content item naming convention is important for ordering of Events by date in the Event Listing.