Reordering subsections and Content Items

Manual content


Order subsections and navigation links manually.

Edit Section > More tab > Subsections

Reordering subsections

Subsections can be manually re-ordered by drag/drop of cross icons.

Reordering subsections by dragging

Auto content


Order subsections and navigation links automatically.

Choose Enable Automatic Ordering for ordering A-Z or Last Updated. To apply the sorting:

  1. Display All Records
  2. Tick to select individual entries (or select all)
  3. Bulk Actions : Bulk Unlock 

Sections are now ordering automatically.

To set a particular subsection to override the automatic ordering, select the item then Actions : Lock To Top (or Bottom). These items can now be manually ordered at top or bottom of the list.

Lock to top or bottom

Reordering subsections - select all

Bulk unlock

Re-ordering Content Items content

Re-ordering Content Items

To re-order Content Items, drag them up or down using the cross in the Order column.

Enable Automatic Ordering is also possible by Alphabetical or Last Updated or Publish Date:

  • Switch on (orange tick) in Content tab of Section
  • Choose sort criteria (e.g. Alphabetical)
  • Tick each Content Item to be automatically ordered
  • Actions : Unlock (or multi-select and use Bulk Unlock)
  • Lock to Top or Bottom if required
  • Save Changes

Bulk actions example