Meta description and keywords


For supplementary search engine optimisation.

Enter Metadata in T4

In the section details, edit metadata in the More > Metadata option.

Metadata section menu option


Entering metadata.


Important points to note about using meta descriptions and keywords on pages:

  • This metadata is not essential for pages to rank well for relevant, specific searches in Google and other search engines. Any gains will probably be marginal.
  • Any text entered here should supplement relevant keywords in copy already in use on the page - in your Heading / Description / Main Body text. If keywords are not also used there, metadata will not be effective.
  • It's probably a better use of your time to develop the copy on your page to use relevant and related specific keywords and phrases than it is to agonise over meta keywords. 

Meta Description

Search engines may or may not use the meta description in their search result listings.  If the meta description is there, it has a chance of being used in preference to page text selected by the search engine.  This does not necessarily raise the result in the list - it just gives you a degree of control over the text that appears there.

Here is a meta description used by Google, taken from the HTML of the page and originally generated by the T4 metadata values:

 Google search

Meta data

Meta Keywords

These are virtually redundant in search engines now.  They may even penalise the page if used irrelevantly.  Just enter a few comma-separated key phrases that you are targetting on your page, if you feel you need to.