Viewing and editing Media Library categories


Open the Media Library using the navigation link at the top left of the T4 interface.

The hierarchical presentation of folders which are accessible to your particular user account will display. If you don't see the folders you need to complete your work, email for corrected permissions to be assigned to your user account.

This hierarchy does not exactly reflect the Site Structure - it is independently managed - but should be maintained to sensibly reflect the current Section hierarchy in Site Structure, for ease of use.

Some folders will only have Read rights, so the media files can be linked to or downloaded by this user, but not edited. For folders that the user account has Edit rights to, a settings button will be visible:

Settings button

The Media categories settings button offers the following options:

  • Edit category - not usually needed
  • Create sub-category - for organising media items into subfolders
  • Delete category - use with care as this removes not only media items contained within the parent category, but all of the sub-categories and their contained items. Deleted categories are immediately removed with no recovery option.

Adding a sub-category to a media library folder

Media library menu

Link to access the Media Library.

Media library structure

Media Library structure.