Example headed content

This is a Heading 2 content

This is a Heading 2

This is text entered in the Description field, which should be a summary of content in this item.

This content item is built from General Content. The main Heading 1 at the top of this page (Example headed content) is generated from the Section name automatically.  The Heading field text below that is automatically sized as Heading 2

This is Heading 3 text in Main body

Headings used throughout Main body should be manually sized as:

  • Heading 2 if there is no entry in the Heading text field
  • Heading 3 if there is text in the Heading text field

This is Heading 4 text in Main body

Heading 4 heads a piece of content below Heading 3. Bear in mind that heading font sizes in the HTML editor will appear differently to the Preview (and Live) pages.

This is another Heading 3

This heading is of equivalence in the text structure to the previous Heading 3.

This is another Heading 2

This heading is of equivalence in the text structure to the previous Heading 2.

This is another Heading 4 text

It's not correct, since it follows a Heading 2, not a Heading 3.