Formatting text


Don't introduce whitespace

Although tempting to add the occasional 'blank paragraph' between text in a content item, or between items, 


like this try and improve the appearance and spacing between elements, please do not do this. Whitespace in web page design and layout is considered carefully by Webteam and improved where required across all UHI and partner sites using background CSS coding. If whitespace is randomly introduced on an individual page basis, this will compound on any new typography spacing rules. 


It'll look scrappy.


Instead, let us know if you think whitespace can be improved on any particular page:


Don't use centre-aligned text

Paragraphs of centre-aligned text are difficult to read.
Centre-aligned text is only used in very specific design cases on the UHI and partner websites.
It shouldn't be used on standard content pages.
Although the centre-aligned icon may be available on the formatting bar, please don't use it.