One-Web News Article Example 1

This Content Type creates a News Content Item (an article). This text is located in the optional Description field, which stretches across the top of the article below the Title, and should contain a one or two-sentence summary of the News article.

see full size image
This is an example caption for the Feature image. You can click or tap the image to view or download a full-size version.

This is text contained in the Main Body field of the News article.

The Title field show as the main header at the top of the page, and in the News Listing.

The Date Released field generates the date shown on the page for the article, and the News Listing. This is not the same as the Publish or Expiry date which sets the visibility of the Content Item - Date Released is just for display purposes. 

The Feature Image field links to an image in the Media Library.  The dimensions of this image can be up to:

  • maximum 1200 pixels wide, or 
  • maximum 800 pixels high

Although the Feature image will display on the page smaller than these dimensions, clicking on that image will open up or download the full-size version. Additional images can be inserted into the Main Body field if necessary.  See help on Preparing Photos and Other Images. A thumbnail of the Feature image is also displayed in the News Listing.

Text in the Feature Image Caption field shows underneath the Feature image.

The Description field is a good way to visually enhance the page and highlight your lead sentence / paragraph. It is also used for Social Media sharing (see below).

Pagination links to preceding and following articles will show up automatically at the foot of the article.

The News Listing page automatically uses several elements of each News item. See the UHI News Listing for live examples of these News Listing and News Content Types.

Locating and naming News content items

One-Web News content items should all be located within the same News section, along with one One-Web News Listing content item. This is one case where one section in T4 (a folder or directory) does not translate directly into one web page.

Always name News articles with a particular naming convention.  The Name field should be preceded with the 8-digit date format of year/month/day followed by lowercase dash-separated words. For example, 20180622-example-news-article-name refers to an article dated 22nd June 2018

News article naming convention.


The reason for this is so that items can be automatically sorted in their subsection by date descending, and the most recent article appears at the top of the News Listing:

News items in same directory.

Social Media Sharing

We have automatically implemented social media card tags for One-Web News. See One-Web Social Media Card for more information. This means that it is important to include Description and Image information on every news item to take the greatest benefit.