Highlight Content Box

Data elements content

Data elements

This Content Type generates a shaded block which can contain a combination of optional elements - an image, a video, a heading and/or some body text.

The Name field is (as always) for internal use only, to describe the content, and should-be-in-this-format

The optional Heading field generates a short heading of larger text within the Content Box, under the image or video.

The optional Image field allows you to select a photo or other image from the Media Library.  We'd recommend a square image here (proportions 1:1) of width and height 200 pixels.

The optional Link will surround any Image and Heading and can be either:

  • Internal - to an available T4 Section or Content Item
  • External - to another web page
  • Media File - to a media item (image or document) in the Media Library

Keep Use Default Link Text ticked.

Video summary, YouTube video ID and Stream video ID should be entered similarly to the One-Web Video Embed Content Type. If entries are made here, an embedded video will generate and the box will be double width to accommodate it. 

Main body contains any extended text needed, including links. This field is restricted in size.

Alternate colours allows you to change the colour of the box to white text on a purple background.

Widen tile when checked will force the box to be double width, even if there is no video embedded.

Guidance on usage content

Guidance on usage

This Content Type is quite flexible in terms of optional elements, so use judgement to avoid cluttering an item with too much content.

While the Highlight Box will accommodate multiple elements of content, it's unlikely all will be needed - for example either an image or a video but not both.

Multiple Highlight Box content items will line up beside each other, and wrap onto a new line on certain screen width views. The line height will depend on the box with the longest content.