General - Video Second Column


This content type is almost the same as the One-web General Content type. However instead of having text content in the second column, a video can be embedded there.

The main heading for the page (above) is generated automatically from the Section Name.

This is text entered in the Heading field, for a secondary heading content

This is text entered in the Heading field, for a secondary heading

This is text entered in the optional Description field - use it for a summary of the content to follow. It will span the full width of the page even if using the video embed in the second column.

One-Web General - Video Second Column is for standard text content on the page with the ability to embed a video into the second column. This is text entered in the Main Body field. Using the toolbar you can:

The video embed process is the same as the Video Embed content type. You need a YouTube video ID or Stream video ID and a short summary of the video for accessibility. Please only use one video ID per content type, if you use more than one it will cause display issues.

Example of collapsible (and expandable) content content

Example of collapsible (and expandable) content

Each of the collapsible blocks below is held as a separate General - Video Second Column Item. The Show All / Hide All menu appears when there is more than one collapsible block. Otherwise, any combination of sections can be open or closed independently.

The Heading field is necessary content

The Heading field is necessary

The Heading field is necessary

Use the Collapse: Yes checkbox to contain the rest of the content within a collapsible area like this. This Collapse checkbox is the last of the data entry fields, near the bottom of the page, just before the Save changes button.

Make sure the Heading field is populated, for display within the coloured bar - otherwise this will remain blank.

Toggle for collapsible content

Enter other content fields as normal content

Enter other content fields as normal

Enter other content fields as normal

This is the description field. It will appear above all other content even when in a collapsible block.

Images can be inserted as normal.

Two people looking at a phone