Course Fee Information

  • If no specific course fee information is set, then a default fees message is displayed. Each One-Web site can have its own default text. To check or amend your default fees text, please check with
  • HE fees are set across all sites by the university Marketing team.
  • FE fees can be set by partners.

Fees display on the Fees/Funding tab of course pages :

Screenshot of fees information on fees/funding tab of a course page

Setting fees content

Setting fees

Both HE and FE fees are set the same way.

  • The information is contained at the top of your site in the 'Site_Config' branch
    Screengrab showing the fees branch under site config
  • The 'Course Fee Information' content type is used. Mirrored content, denoted by the small black icon, is for HE fees.

Screenshot of course fee information content types in use

  • To add fees for a course, add a new content item using the 'Course fee information' content item
  • You can add fees for a given level of course, for a single course code or for multiple course codes.

Add fees for a course code or codes

  • Add a name for the content you are adding. As with other content items, this is for your reference only. We'd suggest 'fees-fe-coursecode' or similar
  • Add the course code(s). If you are adding more than one code, these are comma separated
  • Complete the fees information and save
  • Preview the course page to see the fees in context
  • Approve as normal

Screenshot of setting course fees by course code

Add fees for a level of course

  • Add a name for the content you are adding. As with other content items, this is for your reference only. We'd suggest 'fees-fe-courselevel' or similar
  • Select the level of course you would like the fees to appear for from the dropdown list
  • Complete the fees information and save
  • Preview the course page to see the fees in context
  • Approve as normal

Screen grab of setting fees by course level